“What gets measured gets managed.” – Peter Drucker
If you’re not measuring your financial results and the key drivers of your business, you can’t properly manage them or implement meaningful improvement strategies.
Our Management Reporting service helps you stay on track to achieve your goals, with monthly Management Reports providing a snapshot of your results. It ensures you take time out from working in your business to get perspective of your financial position and determine the best actions for improvement.
If you want to regularly monitor the key drivers in your business and your financial results to ensure you’re on track to achieve your goals, this service is essential.
You’ll attend an initial meeting, lasting no longer than two hours, where we’ll:
Determine the five most important Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for you to measure
Create your custom monthly Management Report
Ensure you understand how to interpret your management report each month
Identify the best way to collect key data for your report
Each month we’ll send your Management Report then follow up with a 15 minute momentum phone call to discuss your results and help identify areas for improvement.
By undertaking Management Reporting, you’ll:
Establish Key Performance Indicators for your business and set achievement targets
Receive a customised monthly Management Report to regularly measure your performance
Improve your financial awareness so you know what you should measure and how to measure it
Understand the factors that impact your results so you can develop strategies to maximise your results
If you need help measuring your results and managing your KPIs, get in touch.